Successfully vlogging with a vlogging camera
Vloggers are filmmakers who run a video blog and entertain viewers with different topics. The videos are published on the portals of social networks and the video platform YouTube. This places certain demands on the vlogging camera. Even if a vlog can be created with a smartphone, professional equipment is often used. A high quality requirement results from the sound and the lens.
A good vlogging camera has a built-in microphone or a connection for an external microphone and sufficient storage capacity. Depending on the type of vlog, the lens should focus quickly and not distort much at wide angle. Action cams also serve as vlogging cameras when it comes to sports. Waterproof housings are available for water sports recording. For fast sports such as car and bike racing, mountain biking, the camera must have very fast focusing. The operation of the camera should be quick and easy.
Which camera is suitable for vlogging
The trend towards vlogging has also changed the camera world. Instead of heavy SLR cameras, videographers want lightweight and easy-to-use system cameras. All camera manufacturers have reacted to this and now offer special vlogging kits. The leaders in this field are Sony and Canon. They are joined by Panasonic with its Lumix series and Olympus.
The vlogging kits of the individual suppliers
- Sony VLOG camera ZV-1; with Bluetooth grab handle
- Nikon Z50
- Sony A6400 system camera 4K
- Canon Powershot G7 Mark III
- Panasonic Lumix G110 system camera
- Olympus OM- D E-M5 Mark III
An extensive range of accessories is available for the respective cameras. Whether attachable microphone, interchangeable lenses or a additional tripod for camera control. The camera models are divided by the manufacturers into beginner, amateur and professional. The difference is not only to be seen in the price, but also in the technical equipment. Videos over 60 minutes will not work with an entry-level camera. Whereas the recording time is always at least ten minutes. Differences can also be found in the available storage space, recording quality and lens coating.
What a vlogging system costs
There are big price differences especially in camera technology. Inexpensive VLOG cameras are available from around 250.00 euros. If long videos are to be created and the video format is to be presented to the viewer in 4K, the price quickly rises into the high-price range. In addition to the purchase price, adequate editing software may be required to edit the videos. It is essential to pay attention to the system requirements of the software. Video editing requires a lot of computing power, especially for videos over ten minutes. In addition, a desktop system needs a powerful graphics card and a suitable monitor with appropriate calibration.
Since vloggers also want to earn money with their vlogs, they need to think about the technical equipment. The more professional the video, the more viewers will appreciate it.
How to start your own VLOG
With today's technical possibilities, starting a video blog is easy. Current smartphones are suitable for the first steps. It is important to establish a guideline and also to research how other videographers have started. Here are four YouTubers who now reach more than a hundred thousand viewers per video, but started very small.
The format "Wielke Zierden" stands for the most chaotic construction site in Germany and that in the form of a football club. The videos are shot intuitively, there is no script. The equipment used is a smartphone with a holding device and an external microphone.
For anyone who has always wanted to understand complex mathematics, the channel of "Daniel Jung" is the right one. Because here everything revolves around mathematics. He explains even the most complex maths problems in an easy-to-understand way. The comments give an idea of how much he is in the favour of his viewers. According to his own statement, the YouTuber uses a simple SLR camera with an external microphone. The protagonist dropped out of his mathematics studies a few years ago and then specialised in YouTube videos. Today, he is the go-to explainer for pupils, high school graduates and students.
To celebrate and appreciate success, you first have to be low. This is more true for YouTuber "Flying Uwe" than for anyone else. He has left a part of his old videos still online. Here the viewer can see how it all began. Today, the YouTuber is no longer just a martial artist, but an entrepreneur and family man. The recording equipment is modest and is noted as a link in the video description.
A wooden barrel, a very cosy armchair and a YouTuber with a doctorate in engineering. This is what the channel "Horst Lüning" stands for. He analyses current events in politics and economics and has been doing so for many years. What sets him apart is the continuity of his video presence. Because he has never attached importance to followers. His topics are exciting and insightful. He is also one of the few vloggers whose videos run over 30 minutes, depending on the topic.
As different as the topics are, they all have one thing in common. They all have one thing in common: vlogging with minimal technical effort and entertaining the viewer.
We have what YouTubers need in our shop
We know what YouTubers need and here you can find the technology to inspire viewers for your own VLOG. Whether reflex camera or system camera, whether camera mount or external microphone. The ingredients for exciting videos are ready.
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