Hama tripods - What series are there and what should you look out for when buying?
In photography, shaking is undesirable, no matter what you want to shoot. However, as soon as you need to increase the exposure time a little - for example, because there is not enough natural light and you don't want to use a flash - there is a risk that you will not be able to hold the camera steady enough when releasing the shutter, resulting in blurred images. Tripods are also a useful tool for group shots, self-portraits and HDRs to create brilliant and sharp images. Even the image stabilisers built into high-quality cameras and lenses are not a panacea against blur caused by camera shake. That's why every piece of photographic equipment also needs a suitable tripod. Especially with longer exposure times, long exposures, wide open apertures and long focal lengths, there is often no way around using a tripod. In addition, tripods are indispensable in micro, macro and close-up photography.
The manufacturer Hama has all kinds of models on offer in this respect. They score a lot of plus points, especially due to their high user-friendliness, the diverse equipment and the favourable purchase price. If you are looking for a tripod for your compact, system or SLR camera, you will find what you are looking for in the manufacturer's range just as much as if you are looking for a tripod for your camcorder or action cam. Since the range of Hama tripods is very large, we will introduce you to the different series in more detail in the lower section of the website and also tell you what is important when making your choice. Feel free to drop by if you still need help choosing your tripod.
The tripod type - Which tripod suits you best?
The first decision you need to make when choosing a tripod is to find the type of tripod that is best suited to your purposes. The purpose for which you need the tripod plays a role here.
Tripods are the classics among tripods. They are very stable and can also be used on uneven surfaces. They are also flexible and universally usable and are suitable for almost every shooting situation. Monopods, on the other hand, are easy to transport, do not need as much space and allow open apertures as well as longer exposure times. Especially in wildlife and sports photography, where you work with long focal lengths and correspondingly long lenses, monopods are the ideal choice.
For special perspective shots, there are also bending tripods. They can be attached practically anywhere - such as to poles, railings and trees. Special tripods for special photography requirements are also available in a very large selection. For example, Hama offers car tripods, suction tripods, clamp tripods and table tripods. Last but not least, mini tripods should not go unmentioned. They are optimal companions for travelling because they are flexible and quickly ready for use.
How heavy should the tripod be?
The weight of a tripod is always a compromise solution. A lightweight tripod means that it is easy to carry, which is why it is ideal for travelling, hiking and walking. However, with very light tripods you have to make compromises in terms of stability. Usually, really stable and durable tripods are heavier and therefore cannot be transported as effortlessly. Before buying, think carefully about what you need the tripod for. For travelling, photo safaris and hiking, a low dead weight is more important than 100 per cent stability. What good is a stable tripod if you never want to take it with you on trips because of its heavy weight? If you are looking for a tripod for the studio and only for occasional trips, it can be a somewhat heavier and more stable model.
Which tripod head suits you?
Hama offers two different tripod heads: One is the ball head and the other is the three-way head. Both models have advantages and disadvantages. The ball head allows quick adjustment in all planes, but tilting and swivelling is only possible on one axis and is also comparatively imprecise. For wildlife photography, portraits and close-ups, the ball head is perfect. The three-way panhead allows precise camera adjustment, but each axis must be set individually. For architectural shots, video recordings and panoramic photos, this tripod head is the optimal choice, as precise horizontal alignment is important here.
The Omega Carbon Series - robust and stable lightweights
The Omega Carbon Series from Hama meets the highest demands for versatility, lightness and stability. The tripods are made of carbon and are therefore also suitable for semi-professional photographers who need a robust and lightweight tripod for every photo session. The models of this series are equipped with rubber feet with ball joint as well as extendable steel tips, so that they also stand well and securely in the terrain. The 3D precision ball head features panoramic and ball locking as well as friction adjustment and has a quick-release plate with locking screw and safety lever.
The Omega Premium Series - Stable and extensively equipped
The models from the Omega 3 Premium Series are solidly made and are made of aluminium. These tripods are also suitable for professional use because they have convenient details such as the multifunctional 3D panorama head, non-slip foam handles on the tripod legs and a locking handle. Therefore, these specimens are versatile.
The Traveller Premium Duo series
The Traveller Premium Duo series includes tripods that allow for shake-free shooting on the go. The aluminium construction ensures that the tripods are stable and lightweight. In addition, non-slip rubber feet, weighting hooks and spikes guarantee optimum grip on any surface and even in windy conditions. The centre column of these tripods is removable, so that even professional macro shots are possible.
The Omega Video II Series - Optimal for moving images
The tripods of the Omega Video II Series are designed for video shots. They combine precision and high stability. The models are equipped with a double-profile leg so that vibrations are effectively avoided. In addition, the tripods have extendable steel tips on the rubber feet to ensure high stability on all surfaces. The models in the series are equipped with a fluid-damped 2-way metal video head that can be operated left- or right-handed and ensures smooth panning movements.
The Traveller Series
For spontaneous hikes or trips, the models from the Traveller Series are perfect. They combine low weight with high stability. This is thanks to the aluminium construction. In addition, these tripods are characterised by their small pack size. Rubber feet ensure a secure stand on any surface. The design of the models from the Traveller series is simple but trendy. Another highlight is the precise 3D ball head.
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