Lomography Turquoise 135 Film
The long-lost and much-loved member of the LomoChrome family is finally back! Lomography has received countless requests from its community to revive this turquoise treasure. And here it is: the LomoChrome Turquoise 2021!
Like the other members of the LomoChrome family, this specially formulated film transforms everyday colors into a kaleidoscope of incredible color variations. Warm hues become deep emerald greens, while blues blend into golden gradients. Thanks to the extended ISO range of 100-400 ISO, this film can easily be used in a wide variety of lighting conditions and will surprise you with results that are never consistent.
All Lomography Color Negative films are made to be developed using the standard C-41 process and can be easily developed at your trusted photo lab
.This exciting and experimental film takes you on a journey into the magical forest of mushroom houses where everything is blue or aquamarine, maybe even cobalt, emerald green or cyan.
Extended ISO range for even more experimentation. Shoot in a wide range of lighting conditions for versatile and vibrant results.
Stand out from the crowd - LomoChrome films deliver unmatched, instantly recognizable results like no other film on the market.
Every shot is original, enchanting, and the result of your fantastic experimentation.
Easy development
in yourtrusted lab with standard C-41 color negative development
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