ORWO WOLFEN Color Negative Film NC500 35mm 36 Shots
Orwo Returns with Color Film After 50 years,
Orwo returns with a new color film stock to bring film productions to a new world of adventure. The NC500 Color is still manufactured at the original production site in Bitterfeld-Wolfen, where film making has been a tradition since 1910. This allows DOPs, directors and post producers to create a versatile range of looks and a clear, blank canvas on which to build any story.
the heart of the color film is a unique chemical formula based on the wonderful and legendary Agfa stock last used in the Academy Award-winning film "Out of Africa."
NC500 Color Cine Stock - An Environmentally Friendly Alternative
Orwo's NC500 Color is an environmentally friendly alternative to conventional stock. Without a rejet layer, it enables reliable processing with both ECN2 and C41. This makes productions faster and more reliable.
Not an imitation, but an alternative with unique properties
Orwo does not aim to imitate stocks currently available on the market. Rather, they create an alternative with unique properties and a different range of looks
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