Safely store a variety of gear in your Lowepro Pro Trekker BP 450 AW II backpack. It is deal suitable for outdoor activities.
Lowepro Pro Trekker BP 450 AW II
Sometimes the way to the shooting location can be very long and especially with a tight schedule you need to be able to rely on a wide range of photo and video equipment. In addition, other equipment such as image processing, organization or power supply is also needed - but how can you keep it all safe?
This special Lowepro backpack will help you! The unique Pro Trekker BP 450 AW II from Lowepro is a clever carry-on solution for traveling by car or plane. Your heavy equipment can be transported comfortably and safely with the help of this backpack. This generation of LowePro fulfills the task "clever and safe verwaren" quite simply with the help of a thoughtful layout and state-of-the-art ergonomics for working outdoors. Furthermore, the included AW Cover offers additional protection against external weather influences.
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