With the use of Cokin Gray gradient filters, you can have additional influence on how much light hits the sensor when shooting.
- Add contrast
- Add dynamics and depth to your images
- "Must-have for landscape photographers
The Cokin Gradual ND Kit is suitable for lens diameters from 48 - 82 mm. The ideal set to complement your existing Cokin Equipment and gray graduated filters.
In many landscape photography situations, the contrast between ground and sky is extreme. If you want to expose the subject correctly near the ground, the sky eats out and image information is missing. In post-processing, this information can be recovered to a limited extent or is lost. If the sky is correctly exposed, the dark part remains strongly underexposed.
Without a neutral gray graduated filter, you as a photographer or videographer are forced to find a compromise. The results will be dull and low in contrast. With the use of Cokin Gray Graduated Filters you can quickly fix this problem. They gradually darken the bright areas and accurately expose the dark parts of the image. No image information is lost, resulting in photos with more dynamic range.
Since it is a plug-in system, the area to be darkened can be set precisely. Exactly where the composition requires it. Not all situations are the same. That's why the gray graduated filter kit from Cokin contains three filter discs of different strengths:
The ilter GND2 (N° 121L) reduces incident light by one stop. The GND4 graduated filter (N° 121M) reduces the incident light by two stops and the GND8 filter (N° 121) darkens by three stops.
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